Today Is The Day!

It’s finally here! Today is a beautiful day—my brand new book, No-Nonsense Zen for Beginners, is officially out in the world for you all to read and enjoy.
It’s been a wild ride from start to finish. A special shout out to my wife Kendra, who helped me through the whole process, especially with the pre-editing. Thank you again for all of your support. It really means the world to me! I hope this book is helpful and something you can apply to your own life.
The book has a four-part approach discussing the history of Zen, important concepts, core teachings, and essential practices. It is a straightforward Q&A format that breaks information down into easy, digestible questions and answers. I also share stories that show how the practice of Zen can help bring clarity to day-to-day life.
Here’s the link to get your copy right now:
Want A Free Copy Of the Book?
I'm giving away free copies of my book this week. Check out my YouTube channel for details. Any supporter of Patreon, at the Great Love tier and above, will receive a free signed copy of the book. Support on Patreon allows me the time to create content, videos, workshops, and 1:1 sessions for everyone. Please consider joining us on Patreon.
Thank you! Every little bit helps to continue this project.
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