Age, Space, And Time


Here is a email written to me by a student with my response


Anything that has a beginning has an age.
If space has a beginning, space has an age.
If time has a beginning, time has an age.
If the universe has a beginning, the universe has an age.
If space began five years ago, space would be five years old.
If time began five years ago, time would be five years old.
If the universe began five years ago, the universe would be five years old.
Anything that does not have a beginning does not have an age.
If space does not have a beginning, space does not have an age.
If time does not have a beginning, time does not have an age.
If the universe does not have a beginning, the universe does not have an age.
If space did not begin five years ago, space is not five years old.
If time did not begin five years ago, time is not five years old.
If the universe did not begin five years ago, the universe is not five years old.


Anything that has a beginning has an age.
Anything that has no beginning, has no age.
Originally there is beginning and no age.
Also no space, no time, no universe.
If this is true, then what?
Today is Friday, August 18th.


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